Phonological Awareness Tasks: Accuracy in Predicting Reading and Writing Difficulties

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Cláudia Nascimento Guaraldo Justi
Flávia Guimarães Henriques
Francis Ricardo dos Reis Justi


This study evaluated the accuracy of the at-risk/not-at-risk classifications of reading and writing difficulties of different measures of Phonological Awareness (PA). A total of 213 Brazilian children performed six PA tasks (varying in phonological unit and cognitive demand) when they were in kindergarten. One year later, 176 of those children performed a writing task and 174 performed a reading task. Receiver Operating Characteristic curves were constructed based on the scores of the reading and writing tasks. The results indicated that the full set of PA tasks presented the best area under the curve. However, two PA measures with fewer items, supra-phonemic awareness and phonemic awareness, also presented adequate sensitivity and specificity values for screening purposes. These results are encouraging since those measures could be used to detect children at risk of reading and writing difficulties in kindergarten (about one year before formal reading and writing instruction in Brazil).


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