Development and Validity Evidence of the Children-Dogs Interaction Scale
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Animal-Assisted Interventions (AAI) have been showing significant results in human health promotion. This study’s aim was to develop and present validity evidence of the Children-Dog Interaction Scale (CDIS) for the Brazilian population. Items were developed and evaluated by experts. Parents of children between 2 and 12 years old (n = 118) completed the CDIS and to the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Exploratory Factor Analysis generated two dimensions: Affective Interactions (23 items, α = .89) and Educational and Punitive Interactions (8 items, α = .65) between children and dogs. The significant correlations between CDIS and SDQ dimensions indicated that the interaction between children and dogs could be an important variable for assessing children behavioral problems. We concluded that CDIS is a valid and reliable instrument to assess children-dog interactions and to screen children for participation in IAA.
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