Investigation of Psychometric Properties of an Instrument for Assessing Child Resilience Indicators

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Karina da Silva Oliveira
Tatiana de Cássia Nakano


Although resilience is considered an important characteristic of coping with stressful situations, there are no Brazilian instruments available for its childhood assessment. Therefore, this paper aimed to investigate validity evidence and reliability for the instrument named “Children’s Resilience Markers.” The researchers investigated discriminant validity by comparing the instrument’s scores under evaluation and the Child Stress Scale. A total of 136 children (67 girls) aged from 8 to 12 participated (M = 9.66; SD = 1.27). Low and negative correlations were identified, suggesting differences between the constructs. The second study aimed to understand the measure’s reliability by test and retest. The participants were 155 children (71 girls), at the ages mentioned (M = 10.10; SD = 0.41). Correlation coefficients were moderate and strong, pointing to good temporal stability. We suggest that future studies should assess other psychometric qualities.


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Psychological Assessment


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