Poeticizing after Sixty: An Experience on Aging
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The stigmatization of aging by reducing it to losses is due both to the denaturalization of the phenomenon and to the influence of cultural ideas on aging that disregard their subjective aspects. The aim of this paper is to present research participating in a poetry workshop, from a group of older adult women (aged over sixty years) reading and writing poetry. The research monitored whether reading and writing poetry helped in the production of new meanings about aging, as well as the reflection that the older adults had about the aging development phase and its aesthetic, social and cultural ramifications. After reading the poems produced and the descriptive notes of the meetings, the following categories of analysis emerged: the meetings as an area of appropriation, conviviality and reflection for the participants; society and the possibility of an active position in aging; the appropriation of the body in aging: experiences and criticism of the aesthetic model; and memory: recollections and meanings. As a result of the poetry workshop, a space was established for creation, sharing and social recognition; recovery of memories and reflections about the stigmas.
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