Relations among adolescents’ life purpose, household responsibilities and school performance
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This study investigated relations among adolescents’ life purposes, household responsibilities and school impairment. Participants were 113 Brazilian adolescents, from 14 to 16 years old, students from municipal schools. The instruments were a record of bio sociodemographic data, the Household and Sibling Care Questionnaire, and a written testimony of life purpose. Results indicated a significant difference for the relation among household responsibilities level and purposes related to material goods (t = -2.88, p = 0.00), and no significant results for school performance variables.
However, when the sample was stratified by sex, different relations were found, and school impairment was only found in the female group (t = -3.13, p = 0.00). It was concluded that there are relations among the investigated variables, which justifies new studies, and that the sex variable should be considered when analyzing these relations.
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