Cultural Adaptation of the Health Behaviour Protocol in School-aged Children for the Brazilian Reality

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Juliana Maltoni
Carolina Saraiva de Macedo Lisboa
Margarida Gaspar de Matos
Maycoln Leôni Martins Teodoro
Carmem Beatriz Neufeld


Adolescence is a period of intense transformations, and these may be inherent or present risks to development. Adolescent health directly influences on individual and society future trajectories, assuring the need for research about this life span stage. The Health Behavior in School-aged Children task force, together with World Health Organization (HBSC-WHO), has been conducting health surveys for more than 30 years with its protocol, with approximately 40 countries in North America and Europe. This work aimed to present the translation and cultural adaptation process of the HBSC instrument for the Brazilian reality. This is the first study to carry out the adaptation of this instrument in Brazil. The process used the translation of judges, a committee, evaluation in the target public, and pilot study. It was concluded by the satisfactory adaptation of the instrument to the Brazilian reality, being configured Questionnaire HBSC Brazil.


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Psychological Assessment


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