The Reflex of Practical Activities in Teaching-Learning Process of Psychological Assessment Technics
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The current research has been as goal to inquire into the reflex of practical activities in teaching-learning process of psychological assessment technics (PET), more specifically from tests of Human Figure Drawing (HFD), Family Draw, Myokinetic Psychodiagnosis (KMP), Rorschach’s Psychodiagnostic and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). It was observed practical activities requires and concerns students, at times, from excessive way, prejudicing thus their learning in PET. It was noticed student does not attend to theoretical studies of suitable way, when he involves excessively with this type of activity. Theory is the base of practice, here it is the major damage to learning. In conclusion, there is necessity of rethinking in some pedagogical postures nowadays used in this subject, in several levels.
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Copyright to articles published in The Journal Of Psychology: Theory and Practice belongs to the authors, who grant Mackenzie Presbyterian University the not exclusive rights to publish the content.
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