Questions Raised about the Recognition of the Autist's Speech

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Glória Maria Monteiro de Carvalho
Telma Costa de Avelar


In regard to the characterization of the disturbances in autist’s utterances, their “echo” nature has been highlighted in several studies so far carried out in the area, that is, the repetition of words the same way as they are heard. Nevertheless, estereotypy, rigidity or immobility aspects have been enhanced, in such repetitions – which bring about a strangeness effect in the listener – representing, therefore, a singularity trait in the symptomatology of verbal nature in autism. In that sense, the present article puts into discussion the recognition of such singularity, comparing it with the provoked effects (in the investigator) by the utterances, also singular, produced by the child who does not present disturbances in his/her linguistic course. Based on such a comparison, some points were raised, suggesting that the recognition of the singularity of the autist’s echolalia would hapen by inverse means to the recognition of the singular character of the subject’s speech, at the beginning of his/her language acquisition course


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