Specialized children’s picture book as a strategy of sexual abuse prevention

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Sheila Maria Prado Soma
Lúcia Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Williams


This study evaluated whether storytelling based on a children’s picture book on sexual abuse prevention is an effective way to acquire self-protection skills in 33 children of a Brazilian public school. The instruments included: the adapted Portuguese version of the What If Situation Test (WIST III-R), which was used to assess the acquisition of three self-protective skills (recognize, resist, and report); the Observational Protocol of Practical Activities with Parents and Children; qualitative analysis of children’s filmed verbalizations. Participants were divided into three groups in the experimental design: story-telling with a child sexual abuse prevention book, story-telling with a nonsexual abuse prevention book, and a Control Group without intervention. Children who participated in the child sexual abuse book intervention had a statistically significant increase in the ability to report the abuse to a trusted person.


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Human Development


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