Evaluating Receptive Language by Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test: Computerized versus Traditional Versions

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Elizeu Coutinho de Macedo
Fernando César Capovilla
Marcelo Duduchi
Maria Eloísa Famá D’Antino
Lyzandre dos Santos Firmo


Standardized language tests permit early detection of language delay, and early intervention aimed at preventing school failure. The present study compared preschooler’s performance under two Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test versions (traditional versus computerized ones). It assessed the correlation between them and described the evolution of receptive vocabulary as function of age and preschool level. Ninety preschoolers from 4 to 6 years of age of a private São Paulo city school were subjected to the two test versions. Unifatorial ANOVAs revealed significant increase of test scores as a function of age for both versions. In addition, a significant positive correlation was found between scores from both versions. Such results suggests that the computerized Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test may be valid for early detection of learning problems related to poor receptive vocabulary.


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