Executive Functions in Preschool Children: Development and Relationships with Language and Behavior

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Camila Barbosa Riccardi Léon
Natália Martins Dias
Gabriela Lamarca Luxo Martins
Alessandra Gotuzo Seabra


This study investigated the development of executive functions (EF) and their relationship with oral language (OL), initial reading and writing (RW) skills and behavior in preschoolers. Participants were 32 children, aged between 3 and 6 years, from a private school in Sao Paulo (Brazil). They were evaluated with individual tests and a scale answered by parents and teachers. There was an increase in performance in EF according to the school level. Significant correlations were observed between at least one measure of each EF test and OL and RW tests, except pseudowords repetition measure. EF scales were correlated with OL and RW tests, especially when reported by teachers. Children with better EF also had less behavior problems. The results confirm the importance of evaluating EF in preschool children given their relationship with other areas of infant development.


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Human Development


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