dialogism in the ‘slavery simulator’ app
Dialogismo; Jogo; Racismo.Abstract
The game ‘Slavery Simulator" has been removed from the Play Store for making slavery explicit. Racism is not entertainment, so it is no longer a game, but a gamified crime (QUAST, 2020), in which the language of games validates racism, fictionalizing reality. Our objectives are: to observe the dialogism of Bakhtin's Circle (1997) and the enunciative heterogeneity of Authier-Revuz (1992), in the game's interface and user comments; to indicate persuasion, the discourse of others and the heterogeneity shown and marked in the statements, made available by Folha de São Paulo, CNN Brasil and G1. Dialogism occurs through the alien discourse of the slave master, while enunciative heterogeneity is shown and marked in the textual and visual elements of the colonial period.
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