Privacidade hackeada: leitura crítica e as reverberações bakhtiniana e vigotskiana


  • Enrico de Castro Carvalho Silva Universidade de Taubaté


Responsividade; Afetividade; Cibercultura.


This study presents a critical reading of the documentary The Great Hack directed by Amer and Noujaim (2019). The aim of this study was to analyze how the concrete statements present in The Great Hack show the use of Facebook users' personal data to induce mass behaviors through affection. The theoretical contribution refers to the concepts of enunciation and responsiveness by Bakhtin and the Circle, cognition and affectivity by Vigotski (2010), culture of Ferrara (2009) and Santaella (2003). The methodological research procedure is qualitative interpretive, of documentary type. The results of this study showed the use of digital data as a resource to guide the responsive act.


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How to Cite

de Castro Carvalho Silva, E. (2021). Privacidade hackeada: leitura crítica e as reverberações bakhtiniana e vigotskiana. Cadernos De Pós-Graduação Em Letras, 21(2), 253–270. Retrieved from

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