Interventions in executive functions in early childhood: literature review


  • Raquel Ferreira dos Santos Tomaz Faculdade de Ciências Medicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo
  • Camila Barbosa Riccardi León Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo


Child Development, Education, Child, Cognition.


Executive functions are important mental skills that regulate behavior, cognition and emotion, and assist in achieving goals. The early childhood comprises children and babies from 0 to 3 years old. It is a sensitive period for the development of different cognitive skills, since the structural basis for brain development is also built in the first years of life. Studies pointed out that the development of executive functions can be seen in the first months of life, what suggests the possibility of early preventive intervention. Therefore, this study carried out a literature review with the objective of gathering scientific evidence on executive functions early preventive interventions in school for babies and children from 0 to 3 years old. We used the BVS, PuBmed, Scielo, ERIC and Pepsic databases. After applying the eligibility criteria, only one experimental article was found with an intervention program based on language training for children aged 26 to 31 months. The intervention study revealed that language training had a positive impact as executive functions. Most of other investigations found aimed to evaluate executive functions in babies and young children with atypical development, or to identify the power of nutritional supplements for the development of cognition in low income children. Thus, the present study found a lack of studies on the subject in question. Considering the relevance of executive functions for children development and the practice of early preventive practices, it is suggested that future research can be conducted in order to promote as executive functions in early childhood.

Keywords: Child Development, Education, Child, Cognition.


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