Urban hostilities
a feminine perspective on urban space
Women; Urban space; Public space; City; Hostilities.Abstract
The present paper discusses the use of public space by women, approaching through historically outline the influence of the patriarchy and the concept of private propriety in the non-recognition of female reproductive work. Beyond that, the research focuses on the challenges faced by women, especially in the urban context, when entering the job market and environments that were not initially designed for them. Although women have gained space in professional environments, they continue to be responsible for reproductive work, placing a certain overload on them and contributing to the feminization of poverty. Finally, the work highlights the importance of rethinking the urban structure to welcome the specific needs of women, providing safer and more inclusive environments. By understanding and addressing the complexities they face in the use of public spaces, we hope to contribute to the creation of more equitable and accessible cities for all social groups.
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