Dynamics of the movement of people and co-presence: passages and stays


  • André Souza Silva UNISINOS - Polytechnic School - Professional Master's and Architecture and Urbanism
  • Alessandra Teribele UNISINOS - Polytechnic School - Professional Master's and Architecture and Urbanism


People Movement, Spatial Configuration, Spatial Interface


Open public spaces delimited by barriers such as grids, walls and gables, devoid of access and even buildings do not collaborate for the co-presence and the dynamics of the people movement. Social life is affected by the emergence of segmentation and socio-spatial distancing. The objective of this research is to explain how the spatial dynamics of the people movement occurs indicating possibilities to increase this aspect of urban social life. A theoretical overview of the relationship between spaces and uses is presented, which encompasses the dual physical connections of passages and stays between the public and private domains of the urban configurational system, i.e., the gradations of spatial interfaces established between the buildings and the open public space. As conceptual foundation and methodological procedure of analysis principles of socio-spatial logic are used. The results indicate that as fundamental as the accessibility of the road system, the buildings and the activities, are the different forms of physical and visual continuity made available by the accesses, which effectively enable the socio-spatial, dynamics.


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Author Biographies

André Souza Silva, UNISINOS - Polytechnic School - Professional Master's and Architecture and Urbanism

Doctor in Urban and Regional Planning - PROPUR_UFRGS (2006-2010). Master in Urban and Regional Planning - PROPUR_UFRGS (2002-2005). Architect and Urbanist - UNISINOS (1993-2000). Lecturer in Architecture and Urbanism - UNISINOS. Professor in the Professional Master's Degree in Architecture and Urbanism - UNISINOS. Researcher at CNPQ-CAPES. Consultant Ad Hoc CNPQ_CAPES and FAPERGS. Reviewer of the newspaper Arquiteturarevista - UNISINOS. Member of the Scientific Committee of Scientific Initiation of UNISINOS. Leader of the Predictive Cities Research Group - urban performance information system. He publishes articles and a lecture on the architectural and urban themes in specialized periodicals and congresses, both nationally and internationally. He works in the area of the Architecture and Urban Planning Project.

Alessandra Teribele, UNISINOS - Polytechnic School - Professional Master's and Architecture and Urbanism

Graduation in Architecture and Urbanism from the State University of Londrina (1997). Specialization in Didactics in Higher Education (2003) and Development of Projects (2008). Master in Architecture by UFRGS (2011) and PhD in Architecture by UFRGS (2016). She is currently a professor at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (a graduate in Architecture and Urbanism and a Professional Master in Architecture and Urbanism), an associate researcher at itt Performance and editor of Revista Revista. Areas of practice: architecture, wood architecture, prefabricated systems, personalization, generative processes and digital fabrication.



How to Cite

SILVA, A. S.; TERIBELE, A. Dynamics of the movement of people and co-presence: passages and stays. Graduate Journal in Architecture and Urbanism, [S. l.], v. 19, n. 1, p. 17, 2019. Disponível em: http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/cpgau/article/view/12124. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.




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