The expansion of the book and reading:

crossings intercut by technology.



Book., Reading., Reconfiguration of the book., Reading processes., Digital context.


The notion of a book has expanded and, from the old cultural guerrilla war with mass media such as television, digital culture has promoted a more effective adherence to screens as supports for writing and reading. From these practices, it can be said that, in a not very peaceful way, literature admitted the transition between the verbal and the non-verbal, as well as in the context of digital poetics, animation and sound that are also incorporated into creative language. In this sense, this article intends to discuss the reconfigurations of the book in the context of transformations in communication technologies driven by the digital and the impact of technological writings on reading processes, using theoretical references by Michel Melot (2012), Robert Scholes (1989), Roger Chartier (1999, 2004, 2010), Umberto Eco (2005), Alckmar Luiz dos Santos (2003), Katherine Hayles (2009), and Rui Torres (2004). In this way, it was possible to discuss some points of the current reading process, aiming at the contribution to a reflection on digital reading, as well as to problematize the book in this context.



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Author Biography

Andréia Shirley Taciana de Oliveira, Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais

Doutora em Estudos de Linguagens pelo Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica - CEFET/MG (2022). Mestra em Estudos de Linguagens pelo Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica - CEFET/MG (2015). Pós-graduada em Linguagem e Tecnologia pelo Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica - CEFET/MG (2013). Pós-graduada em Gestão Educacional: metodologias para o Ensino Superior pelo Núcleo de Pós-Graduação Pitágoras (2011). Graduada em Pedagogia pela Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais - UEMG (2008). Atua como docente na Educação Infantil e no Ensino Fundamental na Rede Municipal de Educação de Belo Horizonte. Pesquisadora do Grupo de Pesquisa POEMAPS - Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológia - CEFET/MG. Interesse em pesquisas sobre interfaces entre literatura, tecnologia e hipermídia, poesia brasileira e portuguesas contemporâneas, visualidade, releitura e experimentalismos poéticos.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, A. S. T. de. (2024). The expansion of the book and reading:: crossings intercut by technology. Todas As Letras - Revista De Língua E Literatura, 25(3), 1–12. Retrieved from



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