Language attitudes towards Portuguese as a pluricentric language based on subjective reaction test: the Chinese college students of PFL

o público universitário chinês de PLE*


  • Hanzi Zhang Universidade Jiaotong do Leste da China


Atitudes linguísticas, Língua portuguesa, Variedades, Público universitário chinês, Teste de Reação Subjetiva


Given the pluricentric features of Portuguese language, this study presents an evaluation of language attitudes among the Chinese students towards different varieties of Portuguese. Through the application of a questionnaire based on the Subjective Reaction Test, the research successfully identified the language attitudes of the participants, thereby raising awareness of their prejudiced attitudes. The findings of this study aim to pave the way for fostering open-minded attitudes in the future.


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How to Cite

Zhang, H. (2023). Language attitudes towards Portuguese as a pluricentric language based on subjective reaction test: the Chinese college students of PFL: o público universitário chinês de PLE*. Todas As Letras - Revista De Língua E Literatura, 25(2), 1–15. Retrieved from



Dossiê - Linguagens em trânsito e culturas no plural - A língua portuguesa em contextos de multilinguismo