Uma análise enunciativa do discurso médico do século XIX


  • Silvana Silva UFRGS


Museu de História da Medicina de Porto Alegre, Teoria historiográfica linguística, Análise histórico-linguística, Discurso médico, Émile Benveniste.


This work aims to offer theoretical support for the research project entitled “Forms and meanings of the imperative in the 19th century: an enunciative and historical study in medical texts from the Museu de História da Medicina de Porto Alegre (MHMPOA)”, developed at the Instituto de Letras, UFRGS. We established hypotheses and concepts for the analysis of texts contained in the Museu de História da Medicina de Porto Alegre. In the MHMPOA Technical Reserve, we found two (2) Health Manuals written by lay doctors in the second half of the 19th Century. At the Hipólito José da Costa Museum, we found advertisements about medicines that referred, in most cases, to French origin. Based on the study and enunciative analysis of the conversion of language into discourse(s) (Benveniste, 1990) present in the Prolegomena of the Health Manual, by the pharmacist Raspail (1860) in line with the construction of the reference to France, present in advertisements for medicines in newspapers in Rio Grande do Sul, we noticed a certain discursive organization. Although several rationales about disease and health coexisted in Europe during this period (Pombo, 2010; 2011), we conclude that, in Rio Grande do Sul, a discourse was built that elevates the French origin, whether of products or manuals. of health, to the status of holder of power to say what is and is not a 'good' medicine.


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Author Biography

Silvana Silva, UFRGS

Professora Adjunta da área de Língua Portuguesa da Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA). Doutora em Teorias do Texto e do Discurso da UFRGS.


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How to Cite

Silva, S. (2023). Uma análise enunciativa do discurso médico do século XIX. Todas As Letras - Revista De Língua E Literatura, 25(2), 1–15. Retrieved from



Language and Linguistics