The poetry of the event in Casa de máscaras, by Pericles Prade



Essay, Event, Poetry, Daily, Language


In this essay, I dialogue with some aspects of the creative act that the poet Péricles Prade presents in his book. In this conversation, as a reader, I seek in the thematic statements to scrutinize the words and the meanings that they poetize. Letting the poems of the Casa de máscaras shake the silence of the pages favored the unveiling of a new writing on a lamp of words that discreetly spy on the reader. By bringing in this essay a set of extracts from other poets and writers, such as alchemy of memories and lighthouses of guides, I challenge another imaginary that Casa de máscaras grants. The essay, as a particular interpretation, is based on an apprehended reality, therefore, the objective and the subjective become a unit, however, after its inexorable future of harmonies, it explodes in multiple referenced interpretations. A warning is made that the essay, free and full of all the construction that surrounds it, is also a place of non-place. And so is the creative act of Péricles Prade, who, in the unique texture of each word, recreates its meanings as other paths it takes to enunciate itself. It is precisely in this gap that poetry compresses words and transcends.


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Author Biography

Marcos Laffin, UFSC




How to Cite

Laffin, M. (2022). The poetry of the event in Casa de máscaras, by Pericles Prade. Todas As Letras - Revista De Língua E Literatura, 24(3). Retrieved from