I want the hunger to shut me up

(regarding the poetry of Daniel Faria)


  • Marcos Lopes Unicamp


Daniel Faria. Nudity. Grace. Literature and Bible. Metaphor.


This essay discusses Daniel Faria's poetics and his insertion into a spiritual and biblical tradition. The thematic core of the analyses, formed by the binomials “silence and word”, “dress and nudity”, which is accompanied by the formulation of two working hypotheses: the first states that the poem is an insurmountable body, as the expressive singularity of the artistic language does not translate completely into the conceptual field of a scientific discipline; the second hypothesis proposes that this irreducibility of the poem to a conceptual field is due to the statute of metaphor (the polysemy of meaning).


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How to Cite

Lopes, M. (2021). I want the hunger to shut me up: (regarding the poetry of Daniel Faria). Todas As Letras - Revista De Língua E Literatura, 23(3), 1–13. Retrieved from http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/tl/article/view/14945



Dossiê – Bíblia e Literatura