Joseph and his brothers

Judaism, Nazism and their impact on German exegesis


  • Antonio Carlos de Melo Magalhães Universidade Estadual da Paraíba


Thomas Mann – Joseph and his brothers – Genesis – Nazism - Exegesis


This article proposes a Reading of the novel Joseph and his brothers, by Thomas Mann, in three dimensions: jewish biblical sources (the book of Genesis), the context of nazism and the impact on german exegeses at the time, recalling the period of production and publications of the work, 1933-1943. In addition to Reading the novel, the article includes a reflection on the relationship between the Bible and Literature.

With these three dimensions, the article proposes a gathering of perspectives that, in the contexto of the critical fortune about the work, were kept separate or in competition. In convergence, I propose the presente approach that offers an introductory Reading of the work, with aspects that have not yet been properly gathred by the specialized critics.


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Vol. IV. Der vierte Roman: Joseph, der Ernährer. Stockholm: Bermann-Fischer Verlag, 1943.
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Vol. 3. José, o Provedor. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Nova Fronteira, 2000.
MANN, Thomas, Gesammelte Werke in 13 Bänden. Frankfurt a. M.: Fischer Verlag, 1974.

Obras sobre Thomas Mann e outros temas do artigo
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How to Cite

de Melo Magalhães, A. C. (2021). Joseph and his brothers: Judaism, Nazism and their impact on German exegesis. Todas As Letras - Revista De Língua E Literatura, 23(3), 1–11. Retrieved from



Dossiê – Bíblia e Literatura