The song of Solomon and eroticism

Notes on image and survival


  • Fabio Andrade UFPE


Song of Solomon, Tree of Life, Survival, Aby Warburg, Avalovara


The incidence of the union between the sacred and the profane, between desire and sacredness, is a striking feature of literature touched by eroticism. The purpose of this article is to make some considerations about the presence of the Song of Solomon and its language in modern literature. The concept of Survival, by the German theorist Aby Warburg, allows us to perceive the recurrence of a type of metaphorical language that takes place through an ancestral pathos formula, when nature integrates the loving and mystical body with the human.


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How to Cite

Andrade, F. (2021). The song of Solomon and eroticism: Notes on image and survival. Todas As Letras - Revista De Língua E Literatura, 23(3), 1–11. Retrieved from



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