The particularities in Márcia Kambeba’s ethnopoetics


  • Rosivânia dos Santos Universidade Federal de Sergipe


This article analyzes Márcia Kambeba’s ethnopoetics, in her work Ay kakyri tama – Eu moro na cidade (2013), evaluating which mechanisms of poetic language used specify the author’s way of writing, also establishing a relationship with Graça Graúna and Eliane Potiguara’s “chant”. The choice of Kambeba’s poems as an object of study was due to by the perception that there is a very intense indigenous identity in ethnopoems, adding an aesthetic richness to it. The theoretical support for this work was given by Márcia Kambeba (2012, 2018), Daniel Munduruku (2018), Ailton Krenak (2019), and others. As a result of this investigation, it is noticed there are elements that particularize indigenous ethnopoetics, and these ones can be considered as peculiar characteristics of a writing of native peoples.
Keywords: Ethnopoetics. Márcia Kambeba. Indigenous identity. Graça Graúna. Eliane Potiguara.


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How to Cite

dos Santos, R. (2020). The particularities in Márcia Kambeba’s ethnopoetics. Todas As Letras - Revista De Língua E Literatura, 22(3), 1–14. Retrieved from



Dossiê - Linguagens e estética