Said Ali's reference and school grammars

A case study on Brazilian grammar in the early twentieth century


  • José Bento Cardoso Vidal Neto Universidade De São Paulo


The present work aims to contribute to the characterization of Brazilian grammar of the beginning of the 20th century. Our hypothesis is that the grammar, in this period, loses the centrality in the discussions about the Portuguese that it had until then and becomes a type of publication with a more school bias. In this new scenario, the more in-depth discussions, aimed at specialists, in pairs, seem to move to works of a monographic character, which are increasingly published. For this endeavor, we carried out a specific study using two grammars by Said Ali, Secundaria (1923) and Historica (1931). In theoretical-methodological terms, we use the assumptions present in Swiggers (2004).
Keywords: Linguistic historiography. Gramaticography. Said Ali. 20th century. Grammatical epistemology.


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Author Biography

José Bento Cardoso Vidal Neto, Universidade De São Paulo

Bacharel, Licenciado e Mestre em Letras pela USP. Doutorando do Departamento de Linguística, FFLCH-USP. Ligado ao CEDOCH-USP. Bolsista da CAPES.



How to Cite

Cardoso Vidal Neto, J. B. (2020). Said Ali’s reference and school grammars: A case study on Brazilian grammar in the early twentieth century. Todas As Letras - Revista De Língua E Literatura, 22(2), 1–16. Retrieved from



Language and Linguistics