Epistemological paradigms in language teaching

What is subjacent to pedagogical practice


  • Luciana Idiarte Soares Falkenbach Centro Universitário e Faculdades UNIFTEC
  • Tânia Maris de Azevedo Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS


Epistemological paradigms. Teaching action. Language teaching. Language learning. Learning theories.


This paper aims at describing how the epistemological paradigms are involved in language teaching educational practices. It is a bibliographic study as it brings a literature review regarding the aprioristic, empiristic, and interactions epistemological paradigms, learning theories originated from them and their influence in language teaching and learning. It is assumed that a great number of teachers is not aware of which epistemology(ies) is/are implied in their teaching activities and it is reckoned that making those paradigms clear might contribute to the development of critical thinking towards teaching in order for the educational activities to be planned and supported by consist theoretical foundation.


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Author Biographies

Luciana Idiarte Soares Falkenbach, Centro Universitário e Faculdades UNIFTEC

Mestre em Educação, graduada em Letras-Português, Letras-Inglês e Pedagogia. Coordenadora e professora do Curso de Pedagogia do Centro Universitário e Faculdades UNIFTEC - Caxias do Sul. ORCID:<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7554-2507>

Tânia Maris de Azevedo, Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS

Doutora e Mestre em Letras – Linguística aplicada – pela PUC-RS. Professora do corpo permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação – mestrado e doutorado –, e do curso de Letras, da Universidade de Caxias do Sul. ORCID: <https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0499-356X>



How to Cite

Falkenbach, L. I. S., & de Azevedo, T. M. (2020). Epistemological paradigms in language teaching: What is subjacent to pedagogical practice. Todas As Letras - Revista De Língua E Literatura, 22(1), 1–17. Retrieved from http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/tl/article/view/12098



Language and Linguistics