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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text is original and has not been published by any other disclosure vehicle.
  • The text deals with themes related to literary studies, linguistic, semiotic, communication or translation. Texts from similar fields of study are also accepted.
  • The title is no longer than 80 characters both in English and Portuguese.
  • The text, whether article or essay, contains a summary no longer than 500 characters both in English and in Portuguese.
  • The text contains no explicit indication of authorship.
  • The text follows the formal guidance available in Author Guidelines
  • Does the author of the article hold a doctoral degree, as required by the journal's guidelines

Author Guidelines


1. The article must be submitted in doc. or docx. file. Texts sent in other formats will be refused. 

2. The texts must be written in Times New Roman, size 12, space 1,5. Texts that are not in this pattern will be refused (cf. indications bellow)

a) Font: Times New Roman, size 12.

b) Spacing: space 1,5 between lines and paragraphs; double space between parts, tables, illustrations etc.

c) Indented: 1 (one) to sign paragraphs.

d) To quote:

– up to three lines: quote in quotes in the same paragraph, indicating, between parenthesis, name of the author, year of the work and page number;

– four lines or longer: highlight the quotation in its own paragraph, simple space, font size 10 and 3 centimeter margin, indicating, between parenthesis name of the author, year of the work and page number;

e) Annex:

– must be put before references, preceded by the word ANNEX, with no indentation and unnumbered.

3. The articles must be from 8 to 15 pages long, and the reviews may not be longer than three pages. Creative articles must no show more than 4 pages long. Texts that do not follow this pattern will be returned to its authors.

4. At the submission moment in the system, the authors must inform, in the appropriate space, in details:

a) Name

b) Academic education

c) Institutional affiliation (city, state and country)

d) E-mail

5. The presentation of your article must respect the following order:

a) Title

b) Brief summary (4-8 lines) and keywords (pattern: 5).

c) Main text

d) References

e) English version of the title (at the end of the article)

f) Abstract (from 3 to 8 lines) and keywords (pattern: 3) (at the end of the article).

6. Papers that do not follow the indicated order or do not present some of the pointed items will be desconsidered from the evaluation process and returned to the author.

7. The pattern adopted by Todas as Letras is ABNT. Forms of quotation in the text should follow the author-date indication. For example: "As stated by Pereira (1972, p. 24)" and "Following the basis of the theory (PEREIRA, 1972, p. 24)." Texts with references in footnote, that do not follow author-date format, will not be accepted.

8. Quotes in a foreign language: the main text must only contain quoted text translations. The original quote in a foreign language, if necessary, should be indicated in a footnote, in quotes and in italics. Specific cases should be reported to the editors. 


1. Images must be sent in jpeg. and in high resolution (300 dpi). Texts that do not follow this pattern will be refused.

2. Images need to be sent separately from the texts, as a Supplementary Document file, according to the steps indicated in the text submission process by the system. Texts that do not follow this pattern will be refused.

3. It is mandatory that the authors indicate the complete references in each image. Texts that do not follow this pattern will be refused.

4. Illustrations, graphics, tables etc. must contain information about the captions and sources (when not original).

5. Todas as Letras will only publish authorized images.


The references must follow the NBR 6023 rule of ABNT presented by the end of the article, in alphabetic order, according to the following models:

• Book: name of the author, title of the book in italics (except subtitle), city where it was published, publisher and year when it was published must be indicated.

JAMESON, F. O marxismo tardio. São Paulo: Unesp, Boitempo, 1997.

AGUIAR E SILVA, V. M. Teoria do romance. 8. ed. Coimbra: Livraria Almedina, 1999.

AUGÈ, M. Não-lugares. Introdução a uma antropologia da supermodernidade. São Paulo: Papirus, 1994.

• Book chapter: name of the author, title of the chapter (without quotes or italic), the preposition in (In:) and the complete reference of the book: book title in italics (except subtitle), city where it was published, publisher and year when it was published must be indicated.

FOUCAULT, M. A prosa do mundo. In: FOUCAULT, M. As palavras e as coisas. 9. ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2007. p. 23-61.

BOSI, A. Vieira e o reino deste mundo. In: IANNONE, C. A.; GOBBI, M. V. Z.; JUNQUEIRA, R. S. (Org.). Sobre as naus da iniciação. Estudos portugueses de literatura e história. São Paulo: Editora Unesp, 1997. p. 13-47.

• Article in a periodical: title of the article (no quotes or italics), name of the periodical (in italics), city where it was published, periodical number, number of pages and year when it was published. Before the name of the journal, it is not necessary to indicate “In:”.

SARGENTINI, V. M. O. A construção da análise do discurso: percurso histórico. Revista Brasileira de Letras, São Carlos, v. 1, n. 1, p. 39-44, jul. 1999.

• Electronic documents:

BELLATO, M. A.; FONTANA, D. C. El niño e a agricultura da região sul do Brasil. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 6 abr. 2001.


KOOGAN, A.; HOUASSIS, A. (Ed.). Enciclopédia e dicionário digital 98. Direção geral de André Koogan Breikman. São Paulo: Delta, Estadão, 1998. 5 CD-ROM. Produzida por Videolar Multimídia.

• Paper without indication of authorship:

PREFACE to representative poetry on-line: version 2.0 [on-line], 1996. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 17 jan. 1997.

• Academic papers:

BAGNOLI, V. O direito da concorrência e sua aplicação na área de livre comércio das Américas. 2003. 275 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Político e Econômico)–Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2003.



A seção LITERATURA acolhe ensaios e artigos científicos sobre temas, obras e autores, brasileiros e estrangeiros, isoladamente ou em suas interfaces com outras manifestações artísticas, além de textos acerca de teoria e crítica literária.


Language and Linguistics


Na seção LÍNGUA E LINGUÍSTICA, publicam-se reflexões e resultados de investigações sobre a linguagem, em seus diferentes níveis de análise.


Other Languages


A seção OUTRAS LETRAS publica temas relacionados à formação de professores e ao ensino de Línguas e Literaturas em suas várias etapas e à área de comunicações. Também são contemplados pela seção, artigos que discutam língua ou literatura a partir de pontos de vista teóricos que evidenciem a interdisciplinaridade.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses informed in the journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or connections.