About the Journal

Focus and Scope

TODAS AS LETRAS - REVISTA DE LÍNGUA E LITERATURA arose, in 1999, as an open space to disclosure unpublished texts resulting from reflections about language and literature, in their many forms, either from scientific research, or derived from literary creation. The Journal, published every four months, is indexed by many national and international directories, and it obtained A2 concept in the Qualis program of evaluation of scientific journals, held by Capes. The journal is organized in two permanent sections, Language and Linguistics and Literature, besides other four, Traduction, Othre Languages, Review and Creation, which are presented in alternate numbers. Following this organization, the Journal opens space for the segments in which the area of research and production in Languages was divided.

The section LITERATURE receives Brazilian or foreign, historical or contemporary essays and scientific articles of a more general nature, about themes, literary works and authors, isolated or in their interfaces with other artistic manifestations.

In the section LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS, the results from scientific research about language are published, in their various levels of analysis, without theoretical restriction.

The section TRANSLATION comprises texts about translation theory and practice, in their cultural articulations.

The section OTHER LANGUAGES addresses themes related to education in their many steps and themes related to communication area.

The section REVIEW opens space to descriptive reviews or critics about academic and literary publications in the Language area.

At last, literary creation, in prose or verse, has its place in the section CREATION, which brings stories and short poems chosen by the Journal.



1. The Journal Todas as Letras publishes only articles written by researchers with doctorate degree. 

2. Reviews can be submitted by graduate students or masters and doctors.

3. A degree is not necessary for the submission of creative texts.

4. Originals for appreciation can be submitted in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French.

5. The Advisory Council, to which the texts will be submitted, may suggest the author to change structure or content. The texts will be returned for correction and/or changes.

Peer Review Process

The texts will be submitted for blind evaluation. Each text will be appreciated by two evaluators and will only be published if both recommend it. The texts that do not fit the Journal’s publication criteria can be rejected or recommended for review. 

Open Access Policy

This journal offers open access to the public based on the principle that free scientific content supports a greater global democratization of knowledge. 


Every four months