Current Issue

Vol. 21 No. 1 (2024)
Published: 2024-06-18


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Revista de Economia Mackenzie (Mackenzie Journal of Economics - ISSN 1678-5002) is a scientific journal of economics linked to the Center for Social and Applied Sciences and the Graduate Program in Sitrictu Senso in Economics and Markets at Mackenzie Presbyterian University. It is published every six months and publishes scientific articles in the areas of economic theory, third sector economics, social inclusion economics, applied economics, macroeconomics, environmental economics, economic policy, financial economics, development economics, economic history, thought history. economics, economic methodology, microeconomics and related fields, whose themes are relevant to the economy.

It is currently classified by CAPES (2013/2016) as a journal in stratum B3 in Economics and B2 in Urban and Regional Planning / Demography, and is indexed in the following databases: Economia y Negocios, in Business Source Complete - EBSCO, ICAP - Shared Indexing of Journal Articles, Bibliographie der Rezensionen - Wissenschaftlicher - IBZ (International Bibliography of Social Sciences), International Bibliography of Social Sciences - IBSS (The London School of Economics and Political Sciences), EBSCO Scholar Source, Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory, and Google Scholar.


This REM website includes the following information:

  • HOMEPAGE - Provides the presentation of REM and its website.
  • ABOUT - Presents information about the magazine, such as focus and scope (mission and editorial line), periodicity, bibliographical record, indexers, rules and form of submission of articles and others.
  • USER PAGE - Allows the user to edit their profile and change their access password.
  • SEARCH - Allows searching for terms and categories in the current issue and in old REM issues.
  • CURRENT ISSUE - Provides the presentation and articles of the current number of REM. In the case of a special thematic issue, it also provides an introduction to the edition.
  • ISSUES - Provides the presentation, the articles of the current issue and the old REM issues. In the case of special thematic issues, it also provides an introduction to the editions.

The publishing rights of this journal are from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.

- The texts published in the journal are entirely responsibility of their authors.

- Reproduction is permitted since the source is mentioned.