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Paula Saraiva Carvalho
Cláudia Isabel António


Diabetes mellitus (DM) requires changes in behavior, which contribute to increase the risk complications in individual’s psychopathological functioning. This study aims at characterizing a sample of adults diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and identifying the predictor variables of psychopathological symptoms and levels of vulnerability to stress. The sample population was 63 adults diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. The research protocol consisted of a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), and the Vulnerability to Stress Scale – 23 QVS. Belonging to the female gender, not having work activity, and being older were psychopathological symptoms predictors. Having lower educational level, not being married, and having no work activity were predictors of greater vulnerability to stress. The identification of predictive factors is helpful to develop programs that help increase individual resistance to stress and psychopathology


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Clinical Psychology


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