The Contribution of Morphological Awareness to Reading in Brazilian Portuguese
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The present work evaluated the contribution of morphological awareness for reading in Brazilian Portuguese. One hundred and forty-one Brazilian children from second to fifth Elementary School years took part in this study. We have assessed their reading skills, intelligence, phonological working memory (PWM), morphological awareness (MA), and phonological awareness (PA). Each child was assessed individually in two sessions of fifteen minutes. We have conducted hierarchical regression analyses controlling for intelligence and age with PWM, PA, and MA entering in the investigation in different steps. PWM did not contribute to reading. MA added for reading only in 4th and 5th years. PA contributed for reading both in 2nd and 3rd years and in 4th and 5th years. Although PA provided for reading in all school years, MA had a more significant contribution for reading in 4th and 5th years. We have discussed the relevance of including MA and PA stimulation during reading instruction.
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