Change Motivation on Drug Users and Justice: a Literature Review

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Itamar José Felix Junior
Paulo Renato Victória Calheiros


The Transtheoretical Model is an important theory for the study, evalua­tion, and intervention on change motivation behavior related to psychoactive substan­ces including with people involved with Justice. The objective was to systematically review the literature of studies with the population involved judicially and that is pro­foundly related to the Transtheoric Model. We have researched in Medline, SciELO, Pepsic, and Web of Science databases that included publications from the last 16 ye­ars. Based on the literature found (17 articles), we can realize that this is still a less studied field, but with promising results. All over the world, this practice is used as a factor for resocialization. Brazil has emerged with studies on juvenile offenders, eva­luating the motivation and motivational intervention. It suggests that more research is and that justice invests more in treatment and subsequent motivation for treatment.


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Clinical Psychology


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