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Nelson Hauck Filho
Fabián J. M. Rueda
Kelly de Bortoli Pisoni


In the present study, we investigated the contribution of the Big Five factors of personality in explaining the domains from the Impulsivity Assessment Scale (EsAvI). Participants included in the study were 335 public workers from the Brazilian State of Bahia, ages ranging from 21 to 62 years. Path analysis modeling revealed that lack of concentration was mainly predicted by low conscientiousness and high neuroticism, whereas cognitive control is related to high conscientiousness and high agreeableness, and what explains fearlessness is low agreeableness, low neuroticism, and high open-ness. In contrast, the Big Five factors accounted for only 1% of the variance in the planning scale. Findings provide an in-depth understanding of the processes underlying each EsAvI scale, showing how they connect to the Big Five factors of personality and a general model of impulsivity.


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Psychological Assessment


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