Down Syndrome: Correlations Between Clinical Aspects and Feeding on Teens with Overweight and Obesity

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Luciana Rodrigues Theodoro
Silvana Maria Blascovi-Assis


The study aimed to identify the occurrence of overweight and obesity in adolescents with Down syndrome (DS) and to establish relations with hormonal changes, heart disease diagnosed and feeding aspects. There are 40 teens with SD to participate in this study and their mothers too. Data were collected at the clinic of a hospital in Sao Paulo from doing anthropometric measures, socio-demographic data and questionnaire completed to the mothers. 60% of participants showed overweight and obesity and changes in thyroid (50%), and binge eating in (66.6%). There was no direct relationship between excess weight and the presence of heart disease. The combination of several factors can interfere in weight gain in teen ages with SD, in this case the changes as the metabolic hypothyroidism and the presence of compulsory search for foods.


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