Risk and Protective Factors for Family Bonds in Southern Brazil

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Vera Regina Rohnelt Ramires
Denise Falcke


This study aimed at investigating factors that protect and risk family bonds in a metropolitan area in southern Brazil. We developed a cross-sectional, descriptive, and explanatory research, in which the sample was 193 socially vulnerable families. We used instruments to assess resources of the family environment, support network, adverse events, parental stress, and mental health problems. The results showed a bond break in 12.6% of the families. Most of the sample, even in conditions of poverty and vulnerability, was able to preserve family ties. There was not an association of variables such as education, working conditions, income, and living conditions with the break of bonds. The variables that associated, significantly, were parental stress and anxiety problems and depression. We concluded that the families had complex dynamics, requiring an understanding of multiple factors involved in breaking bonds, especially those related to mental health.


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Human Development


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