Subjective Aspects of Physical Pain: Mapping of Freud’s First Metapsychological Contributions

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Bárbara Aparecida Leal dos Santos
Rodrigo Sanches Peres


Physical pain, mainly when chronic, turned into a major theme of interest to Psychology only when the subjectivity inherent in this phenomenon was acknowledged. This study aims to discuss Freud’s first metapsychological contributions to the understanding of the subjective aspects of physical pain. In general terms, Freud qualifies physical pain as a pseudo-drive, at the threshold between the somatic and the psychic. In addition, Freud relates it with melancholy and, hence, with the deprival from a libidinously invested object. Furthermore, the existence of an only indirect link between pain – independently of its psychic or physical nature – and pleasure in masochism and sadomasochism is established. Therefore, although no complete theory was developed on the theme in the texts considered on this occasion, the author established conceptual coordinates that dialogue with their further development and provide fruitful elements for the psychoanalytic clinic.


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Clinical Psychology


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