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Renata Manuelly Feitosa de Lima
Jacob Arie Laros


An adequate validation process is fundamental to ensure sound interpretations  of test results. Thus, the purpose of this study was to acquire evidence of the convergent  and discriminant validity of the test scores on the SON-R 6-40, a non-verbal test of intelligence of Dutch origin, for which Brazilian rulings are being prepared. The test was performed together with the WISC-IV to a sample of 120 children from 10 up to 14 years old. The correlation, corrected for attenuation, between the total scores on the SON-R 6-40 and the WISC-IV was .73. As expected, a higher correlation (r = .84) was obtained between the SON-R 6-40 and the Perceptual Organization Scale of the WISC-IV, and the lowest correlation was between SON-R 6-40 and the Processing Speed Scale (r = 0.32). The results indicate satisfactory evidence of the convergent and discriminant validity of the SON-R 6-40 scores for the age group investigated in the research sample.


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Psychological Assessment


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