Brazilian Validation of the Social Anxiety Questionnaire for Adults (saq)

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Vicente E. Caballo
Isabel C. Salazar
Larissa Nobre-Sandoval
Marcia F. Wagner
Benito Arias
Lelio Lourenço
Equipe CISO-A Brasil


A common practice in the field of social anxiety assessment in Portuguese and Spanish-speaking countries is the use of instruments, developed in English-speaking countries, without prior adaptation to the country of application. Recently, it has been empirically developed the new Social Anxiety Questionnaire for Adults (SAQ) with so­cial situations from Ibero America, Spain, and Portugal. This article presents the psycho­metric properties of the SAQ, applied to a sample of 2,422 Brazilians. The results show that the questionnaire maintains its five-factor original structure, with its 30 items loa­ding above 0.40 in each of the five factors. The reliability and internal consistency are high. Differences associated with gender were found, showing that women scored hi­ gher than men in three out of the five factors and in global social anxiety. These data indicate that the SAQ is a reliable and valid measure for use in Brazil.


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Psychological Assessment


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