Empowerment and Sense of Injustice in Primary Care Workers of SUS

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Lila Maria Spadoni Lemes
Teresa Cristina Barbo Siqueira
Gabriela de Souza Castro
Walquiria Vieira de Abreu


This article deals with the injustice as a cognitive and affective construction that differs from justice, not only for being its opposite, but by owning another dimension of meaning. The structuralist approach of social representations has guided the methodological planning of this investigation. We tried to investigate the injustice experienced by service providers of the health system, for being a socially relevant study object that can reveal the suffering of these workers and, besides, demonstrate the structure of social representation in this group, with the aim of showing that the way people deal with injustice depends on the power they have to intervene in reality. The results shows that the way people experience injustice is modulated by their social belonging, and the higher level professionals feel much more empowered than those of middle level.


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Social Psychology and Population's Health


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