Autism: The Construction of a Behavioral Assessment Protocol for Children – Protea R
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The Behavioral Assessment Protocol for Children referred for a possible Autism Spectrum Disorder (Protea‑R) diagnosis is a psychological evaluation system composed by the following techniques: Parental Interview, Behavioral Observation Protocol, Behavioral Definition Manual, Evaluators Guidelines (manual), and Parents´ Feedback Guidelines. The aim of this study is to present the trajectory of the instrument construction, focusing on the step 2 (exclusion, formulation and reformulation of items suitable to nonverbal children) and step 3 (both evaluators and judges´ analyses of the instrument administration and codification) of the scale construction procedure. Those two steps extend the findings of the step 1, previously presented. Findings showed the Protea‑R clinical applicability, relevance and adequacy of both administration and coding procedures, revealing its potential contribution for the ASD children´s psychological assessment.
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