Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: The Psychological Suffering in a Clinical Case

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Roberta Seles da Costa
Maria Rita Zoéga Soares


One condition related to the verbalization of suffering in clinical context refers to how people deal with their feelings, thoughts and memories in an attempt to control and avoid them when they are associated with painful events. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a therapeutic modality that proposes a contextual view of private events and does not focus on their control or modification. The present article aimed at presenting a case study using ACT procedures as strategies to deal with psychological suffering. Intervention based on ACT goals proposed comprehension of private events as natural conditions what made possible more acceptance and exposure of client to contingencies. Such condition is based on values definition and relevant goals to her life. We expect the study could contribute to development of strategies to clinical care focusing on suffering verbalization.


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Clinical Psychology


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