Local Coherence in Children Aged 10 to 13

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Ariane Cristina Ramello de Carvalho
Renata de Lima Velloso
José Salomão Schwartzman


Local coherence is characterized by the production of inference between two sentences in a reading passage. A Portuguese version of the Local Coherence Inference Test was applied to 40 normal children aged 10-13 in basic education, to evaluate their performance in this instrument by correlating the number of correct answers and time spent doing the test according to age, intelligence quotient (IQ) and scholar grade. The results showed that both educational level and ages correlated significantly with the highest number of correct answers and test time performance. The intellectual level was also significantly correlated with the number of correct answers, whereas there was no marked correlation between IQ and speed in performing the test. This study contributes to the understanding of local coherence process as well as suggests subsequent research in this area, as building an instrument to assess more specific processes involved in reading comprehension.



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