Assessment of Reading Strategies in Typical and Dyslexic Readers: a Neuropsychological Approach
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The study investigated the use and the specific commitment of reading strategies in normal and dyslexic students. In study 1, 141 5th to 8th graders students (10-14 years) were evaluated in Reading Competence Test of words and nonwords (RCTWN). In study 2, 15 students with dyslexia (10-13 years), also attending the 5th to 8th grade, participated and were assessed with the computerized version of RTCWN. In study 1, there was a significant effect of the RTCWN item type, grade (5th graders performed significantly worse than 7th and 8th graders) and item-grade interaction on performance, suggesting that the three reading strategies are consolidated from 6th grade on. In study 2, there was a significant effect of item type, suggesting specific deficits in alphabetic and orthographic strategies in dyslexics. The identification of specific processes underlying performance is characteristic of cognitive neuropsychological evaluation.
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