The Effects of Parental Atention and Escape on Noncompliance Behavior in Children with Atopic Dermatitis

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Mariana Salvadori Sartor
Márcia Cristina Caserta Gon
Robson Zazula


The functional analysis is an effective way to identify maintaining contingencies of childhood behavior considered problematic. For children with atopic dermatitis, noncompliance is a common parent’s complaint, often considered a problem behavior. This study aimed to examine the effects of parental attention and escape in noncompliance behavior of children with atopic dermatitis in a medical treatment situation. The study evaluated this behavior in four typically developing 3? to 7?year?old children with atopic dermatitis and their mothers, according to a single case multielement experimental design. Participants’ behaviors were observed in three conditions of evaluation: baseline, attention and escape. The functional analysis of interactions allowed showing that, each child presents different answers under the control of similar contingencies (attention/ escape).


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Clinical Psychology


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