Crohn Illness and Nonspecific Ulcerative Rectocolitis: Alexithymia and Adaptation

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Lilian Pereira de Medeiros Guimarães
Elisa Medici Pizão Yoshida


Crohn’s illness and Nonspecific Ulcerative Retocolitis (NURC) are gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases. As symptoms can severely affect the patient’s life, the study aimed to investigate the adaptive efficiency and the patients’ level of alexithymia. It also has investigated the correlation between each one of these measures to the severity of the gastrointestinal disease, and to the period of time since the diagnostic. Sample: 25 outpatients suffering from Crohn’s illness (52%) and NURC (48%). Used like instruments: Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada-Redefinida (EDAO-R) and Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS). Results: 1. High degree of adaptive impairment and alexithymia, with no correlation between them; 2. non significant correlation between adaptive efficiency and severity of the gastrointestinal disease, nor between adaptive efficiency and time of diagnostic, 3. significant negative correlation between alexithymia and severity of disease, but non significant correlation between alexithymia and the period of time since the diagnostic. Researches with more representative samples are suggested.


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