Inter-Rater Reliability and Through Test-Retest Method in Bender System of Gradual Pontuation

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Fabián Javier Marín Rueda
Adriana Cristina Boulhoça Suehiro
Marlene Alves da Silva


This study aimed the investigation of inter rate reliability coefficients and through test-retest method in Teste de Bender-Sistema de Pontuação Gradual (B-SPG). 80 children from both genders, aging from 6 to 11 years old, from a home shelter located in the state of Bahia participated in this study. Bender was applied collectively, according the manual´s guidance, with one month gap between the applications. The protocols correction was accomplished by two raters, separately, who had were widely familiar with test´s correction and interpretation. The results showed excellent reliability coefficients among raters at the first and second application (0,92 and 0,88, respectively). As to test-retest reliability, the coefficients found were also satisfactory and extremely similar among raters (0,70 and 0,73). As a conclusion, B-SPG has good reliability rates, and is suggested to motor-perception difficulties assessment.


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