Affects and Personality: their Relations Hips in College Students

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Ana Paula Porto Noronha
Karen Cristina Alves Lamas
Mariana Varandas de Camargo Barros


The present study aimed to investigate associations of sex, professional area and personality with the positive and negative affects in university students from southeastern Brazil. Participants were 120 students, with a mean age of 24.76 (SD = 5.517) years and 71.7% were female. They answered Affect Scale and Factorial Personality Battery (FPB). Correlation analysis showed different associations between factors of the instruments for males and for students of Engineering in relation to the overall sample. Regression models showed sex together with Neuroticism and Socialization as predictors of negative affects. While positive affects were best explained by occupational area, Extroversion, Neuroticism and Realization. The importance of considering other aspects, in addition to culture, to study subjective well-being and personality was discussed.


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