Sickness and Suffering of University Professors: Affective and Ethical-Political Dimensions

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Eduardo Pinto e Silva


In this paper we aim to identify and analyze prevalent diagnosis of teachers’ health problems, especially those concerning the mental health. The data are acquired of federal university research in expansion-internalization process, which analyzed the impact of the multiple demands of this process at work, related to health and subjectivity. The methodological instrument was composed of: semi-structured interviews with teachers of different areas, campuses and academic units; analysis of documents and data on the expansion; systematization of data on nonattendance due to health problems collected in consultation with the books of medical committee of the institution. We place in order the presentation of such records. On the other hand, we pointed out, to develop the scope limit of the article, qualitative aspects of the disease process and/or suffering with intersections between identified diagnoses and analysis of interviews. We conclude that sickness and suffering involve affective, ethical and political dimensions.


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Social Psychology and Population's Health


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