Psychological Intervention for Bereaved Relatives in Pediatric Oncology: a Literature Review

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Marina Noronha Ferraz de Arruda-Colli
Elisa Maria Perina
Regina Maria Holanda de Mendonça
Manoel Antônio dos Santos


Grief is defined as the mourning experience after some loss, which requires the reorganization of family roles and of life projects. The assistance to bereaved families is essential for closure when it comes to the loss of beloved ones as well as for the prevention of impairments concerning emotional health. This integrative review aimed to analyze the scientific literature on specialized psychosocial care provided to grieving families in the area of Pediatric Oncology. Twenty papers published from 2002 to 2013, retrieved from three different databases (BVS, PsycINFO and SciELO) and using the keywords: neoplasms, family, grief and bereavement, have been analysed. The results allowed us to characterize the scenario for care delivery to bereaved families in different contexts. Preventive actions, transition services and post-loss support measures were highlighted. Possibilities to expand psychosocial care models are discussed considering the potential developmental risks for bereaved siblings and for marital relationship jeopardy.


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Clinical Psychology


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