Assessment of Reading in Brazil: Literature Review in the 2009-2013

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Natália Martins Dias
Camila Barbosa Riccardi León
Talita de Cassia Batista Pazeto
Gabriela Lamarca Luxo Martins
Ana Paula Prust Pereira
Alessandra Gotuzo Seabra


Mastering reading instruction is relevant to the individual’s participation in society. Studies have identified the components of competent reading, such as word recognition, comprehension and fluency. All aspects should be considered in the evaluation of reading. This study conducted a literature review in the 2009-2013 period, in order to identify the reading assessment instruments in national productions. We used the BVS-Psi, SciELO, and Pepsic bases. After applying the eligibility criteria, 86 articles from journals focused on psychopedagogy/education, speech therapy, and psychology were selected. Most investigations used samples of typical development, with a predominance of studies with children. We identified 52 assessment instruments. From them, only 12 are published. There was a predominance of tests that measure word recognition and appropriate for children assessment. Some identified gaps are related to the assessment of adolescents and adults, as well as other competent reading components.


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Psychological Assessment


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